Finding Balance Through Interior Design

September 03, 2018

Finding balance in life is an eternal struggle, isn’t it?! Whether it’s creating a good mix of work vs. relaxation, getting control of your finances, or living a healthier lifestyle, the level of balance may always ebb and flow. While it’s hard to control what life throw at us, we can always make our interiors as serene and functional as possible. Yes, you can use interior design to your advantage when it comes to finding balance in your day-to-day life! It’s not about expensive decor and extravagant purchases. The magic is in the little things. Keep reading as we explore ways to create a balanced life through strategic design. [pictured below and throughout the post: the Max Geo Rug from Urban Outfitters]

Keep It Simple

If you love a minimalist, modern look, your uncluttered home can reflect a pure and simple way of life. But no worries if you prefer a more decadent design style! The key is keeping excess “stuff” in check so you can move freely throughout your home and have access to everything that you need. For many, decluttering is the first important step. When it comes to decor, sometimes less is more. And it’s great if what you do put on display happens to enrich your life (or even make you healthier)!! No wonder the air-purifying, refreshing choice of greenery and houseplants is such a popular design trend.

As life gets more complicated, keep it simple! Out with items that are overwhelming and distracting. In with the objects that relax you and bring you a sense of peace.

Storage Is Key

Decluttering sounds easy enough, but when you get down to it, there are some key details to figure out! You can clear out anything that you don’t absolutely need, but good storage options will always be essential. Whether you invest in pull-out bins for shelving or purchase furniture that doubles as storage solutions (such as ottomans that open/serve as containers), there are many affordable possibilities. You don’t have to compromise your efforts to achieve balance on a financial level! Storage bins such as the one below are available for $9.99 at Target.

Create Positive Vibes at Home

One wonderful way to create a home haven is to choose artwork that inspires, relaxes and rejuvenates you. Think about the motifs and items that instantly take you to away to another place. A place of peace, calm and happiness! The good news is that there are many wonderful, reasonably priced options when it comes to artwork. Society6 is a favorite online art source where artists can upload their work. Search for anything, such as “palm leaf”, “mermaid” or “geo”, and you’re met with a slew of choices.

You can even create your own Society 6 shop and have your best photos turned into high-quality prints. Not to mention, your art will be for sale so others can enjoy it as well!

Time for a Spa Retreat…

There are days when you don’t stop from sun-up until sundown. It may feel overwhelming, but sometimes the promise of down time is all you need to keep going. That’s when strategically placed decor comes into play! You may be rushing to get ready in the morning, but that dish of decadent bath products by the sink is a shining beacon of hope. Yes, this hectic day will eventually wind down! And when you’ve wrapped up, a long shower, a face mask and some hydrating body lotion will be waiting for you. Plus, putting bath products out on display is a great way to create a decorative statement without going over the top (especially when the package design is clean and fresh).

Add Plenty of Special Touches

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about uncluttered, clean-lined style, but even a balanced life leaves plenty of room for treats! That’s why extra special touches that add joy to your day are a must. They reflect your balanced state of mind by reminding you to relish the small things. After all, making time for yourself and acknowledging the things in life that bring a smile to your face are sure-fire ways to create balance on a daily basis.

And just what are these special touches? It can be as simple as a bowl on your kitchen counter that’s filled with delicious produce, a fresh bouquet of flowers in a lovely vase on the dining room table, or a festive garland that draws the eye upward (shown above). This last touch is great for kids’ rooms!

Make Room for Creature Comforts

What goes hand-in-hand with special touches? Creature comforts! When your home is a true haven, you have more energy for the outside world. Set up a space that is physically comfortable and also generally comforting! Popular creature comforts include pillows, cozy blankets and throws, seating and a mattress that are kind to your back, drapes that block the sun for those mornings you want to sleep in, and the perfect coffee pot for starting the day with a burst of energy! [Shelly Round Velvet Pillows below from Urban Outfitters]

Here’s to creating a home that nurtures your desire for a balanced life! Thanks for reading.

You're reading Finding Balance Through Interior Design, originally posted on Decoist. If you enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Decoist on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

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