"Relax, it's not a toilet"

November 13, 2018

In this week's comments update, readers are debating over the placement of the toilet in Le Corbusier's Paris apartment

Toilet humour: the Paris apartment within the Immeuble Molitor where Le Corbusier lived has reopened its doors to the public – but some readers think one feature is too open.

"So it was Le Corbusier who started exposing a bathroom throne visible to everybody in a flat. I will never understand how a couple living together can not be embarrassed by defecating in front of each other," said Malgorzata Boguslaw.

Allen responded: "You can blame the ancient Greeks and Roman public baths for that. Will never understand why such private activity was made so public during those times."

"Relax, it's not a toilet, it's a bidet," reassured Pierre M.

HeywoodFloyd was still confused though, asking: "So are you meant to shuffle out of the toilet with your dirty bum to sit on the bidet outside?"

One reader had something cleaner to say:

How do you feel about the apartment? Join the discussion ›

Roger Scruton

Under scrutiny: readers are divided over calls for the UK government to remove Roger Scruton from his new post as chair of the Building Better, Building Beautiful commission, after controversial statements he made in past lectures resurfaced.

"Send the fellow to the United States, he'd give Trump a jolly good run for presidency in two years," argued Duckusucker.

James disagreed: "Incredibly ignorant witch hunt in progress. If anyone takes the time to read his comments in context you will see that they are not anything like the soundbites being fed."

"Presumably the post was advertised and Sir Roger won it fair and square," added Ray Thomson, in disapproval.

Jb concluded: "If you can't see yourself win the race, you hobble the opponents, right?"

Someone else was channeling Trump:

Should Roger Scruton be dismissed from his post? Join the discussion ›

Reader comments update – OMA tower Stockholm

Human touchOMA has completed a housing development in Stockholm, and readers are unimpressed by its alleged lack of humanism.

"Please. No more of this. This type of architecture is not enduring, it symbolises too much the dark side of human ego and indifference to the natural world," commented Jay C. White Cloud.

Pladde was equally disappointed, asking: "if humanism was a goal in this project, how can it result in a brutalist tower?"

"The way this piles down and stomps on the ground bears so little resemblance to the brutalist precedents like the Barbican towers in their lightness and elegance," added CriticAI.

Mr J was more to the point: "Just so long as no one forces me to look at it or live in it."

Not everyone had negative thoughts though:

Would you want to live in the tower? Join the discussion ›

Reader comments update – House in a Garden by Gianni Botsford

Practical matters: commenters agree that this west London home's funnel-shaped copper roof and copper kitchen are extravagant, but are torn on whether they're practical.

"Needlessly opulent, but man the results are beautiful," praised Eric.

Giles Heather agreed: "Aside from the deeply impractical copper kitchen, this is pretty stunning."

"I was thinking the same thing. It is not only impractical, it is also so ugly," responded Jo P.

HeywoodFloyd felt strongly on the matter: "The whole thing is completely over designed. And the copper kitchen cabinet fronts are impractical to the point of being offensive."

This reader anticipated comments on a different feature:

Too much copper for your liking? Join the discussion ›

The post "Relax, it's not a toilet" appeared first on Dezeen.

from Dezeen https://ift.tt/2qJEXpa

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