Photos reveal green ski slope on BIG's waste-to-energy plant in Copenhagen

February 18, 2019

Amager Bakke and Copenhill artificial ski slope by BIG and SLA Architects

New images of BIG's Amager Bakke waste-to-energy plant in Copenhagen, taken by Danish photographer Rasmus Hjortshøj, show that the artificial ski slope on the roof is coloured in vibrant shades of green.

Hjortshøj took the photographs at a preview day of the Copenhill artificial ski slope, ahead of the centre's opening in April.

Amager Bakke and Copenhill artificial ski slope by BIG and SLA Architects

The ski slope forms part of the Copenhill mountain activity centre, which covers the roof of the power plant designed by BIG for the Danish capital.

Although only around half of the slope has been installed so far, the company has carried out several test days before the official opening.

Amager Bakke and Copenhill artificial ski slope by BIG and SLA Architects

When complete, the 400-metre long slope will run from the top of the 90-metre-high building to its base, with a 180-degree turn halfway down the piste.

The 10,000-square-metre skiing surface, made by Neveplast, is coloured five shades of green, moving from bright in the centre of the slope to dark at the edges.

According to the manufacturer, it is coloured "to make the dry ski slope look like a natural mountain field".

Amager Bakke and Copenhill artificial ski slope by BIG and SLA Architects

Alongside the ski slope, a large park has been designed by SLA Architects.

When the building is complete, it will have hiking trails and viewpoints, while an 85-metre-high climbing wall is being installed on the outside of the structure.

Amager Bakke and Copenhill artificial ski slope by BIG and SLA Architects

According to the operator of the activity centre, the rest of the building's facilities, including the lifts, ski-rental shop and cafe are complete. The artificial slope will open fully once is has been fully installed and tested.

The waste-to-energy plant itself has been operation since March 2017. It was built to the west of Copenhagen to replace the 40-year-old Amagerforbraending facility and generates power by incinerating waste.

Amager Bakke and Copenhill artificial ski slope by BIG and SLA Architects

The waste-to-energy plant has a chimney that is designed to release a smoke ring – made from vapour – every time 250 kilograms of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.

BIG has also incorporated skiing into a hotel it has designed in western Switzerland, which will have zigzagging ski slopes on its facade that guest can ski down.

Photography is by Rasmus Hjortshøj.

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